St Suzanna
St Suzanna

St. Suzanna, the Myrrhbearer, lived in first century Palestine and together with other pious women on the day of Christ’s resurrection, brought myrrh to anoint His body. She, with others, served our Lord from her own possessions and undoubtedly shared with the Apostles the evangelic task in common with the other women. She was perhaps one of the women, weeping and wailing, who followed after Christ during his procession to Golgotha. The women gathered spices to go to the Grave of the Lord near dawn on Sunday and anoint His Body according to the custom of the Jews. The myrrh-bearers ran to tell the Apostles the news of Christ’s resurrection. St. Suzanna is commemorated with the Myrrhbearers the second Sunday after the Feast of the Resurrection (Pascha).

St Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral
2300 W 3rd Street
Los Angeles, CA  90057

(213) 382-6269

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